[MATCH COMPOSER] [2v2] Assorted games for teams of two. Work together or die alone; teamwork is critical here.
Map Gametype Weight
Apostle Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Apostle Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Aquarius Forge CTF 2.77%
Aquarius Forge Slayer 1.12%
Argyle King of the Hill 2.38%
Argyle Slayer 1.12%
Arrival Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Bazaar Forge Slayer 1.12%
Catalyst Forge CTF 2.77%
Catalyst Forge Slayer 1.12%
Chasm Forge Slayer 1.12%
Cliffside Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Cliffside Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Critical Dewpoint Doubles CTF 4.18%
Critical Dewpoint Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Critical Dewpoint Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Curfew Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Curfew Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Daimyo Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Dead Water Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Domicile Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Dredge CTF 2.77%
Dredge King of the Hill 2.38%
Dredge Slayer 1.12%
Elevation CTF 2.77%
Elevation King of the Hill 2.38%
Elevation Slayer 1.12%
Empyrean Slayer 1.12%
Forbidden Forge CTF 2.77%
Forest - Forge King of the Hill 2.38%
Forest - Forge Slayer 1.12%
Illusion Forge CTF 2.77%
Illusion Forge King of the Hill 2.38%
Illusion Forge Slayer 1.12%
Immolate Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Immolate Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Last Broadcast Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Live Fire Forge Slayer 1.12%
Opulence Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Perilous Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Perilous Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Prism Forge King of the Hill 2.38%
Prism Forge Slayer 1.12%
Recharge Forge Slayer 1.12%
Salvation Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Shiro Doubles CTF 4.18%
Shiro Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Snowbound Doubles CTF 4.18%
Snowbound Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Snowbound Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Solitude King of the Hill 2.38%
Solitude Slayer 1.12%
Starboard Doubles CTF 4.18%
Starboard Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Starboard Doubles Slayer 0.97%
Streets Forge Slayer 1.12%
Sylvanus Doubles King of the Hill 1.85%
Sylvanus Doubles Slayer 0.97%

Map Breakdown

Maps Weight
Critical Dewpoint 7%
Starboard 7%
Snowbound 7%
Dredge 6%
Illusion Forge 6%
Elevation 6%
Shiro 5%
Catalyst Forge 4%
Aquarius Forge 4%
Solitude 4%
Prism Forge 4%
Argyle 4%
Forest - Forge 4%
Sylvanus 3%
Perilous 3%
Immolate 3%
Apostle 3%
Curfew 3%
Cliffside 3%
Forbidden Forge 3%
Streets Forge 1%
Live Fire Forge 1%
Bazaar Forge 1%
Empyrean 1%
Recharge Forge 1%
Chasm Forge 1%
Salvation 1%
Arrival 1%
Daimyo 1%
Domicile 1%
Last Broadcast 1%
Opulence 1%
Dead Water 1%

Gametype Breakdown

Gametypes Weight
Slayer 17%
Doubles CTF 17%
King of the Hill 17%
Doubles King of the Hill 17%
CTF 17%
Doubles Slayer 17%

Next refresh: 8 hours from now