[RANKED] [4v4] Bandit Evo loadout. Motion tracker disabled. Team Slayer, CTF, Oddball, KOTH, and Strongholds gametypes. Face off against other Spartans to earn or progress your rank.
Map Gametype Weight
Aquarius CTF 5 Captures 6.00%
Aquarius Slayer 4.00%
Empyrean CTF 3 Captures 5.00%
Forbidden CTF 3 Captures 5.00%
Fortress CTF 3 Captures 8.00%
Fortress Slayer 5.00%
Inquisitor CTF 5 Captures 8.00%
Inquisitor Slayer 5.00%
Live Fire Strongholds 7.00%
Live Fire Oddball 4.00%
Live Fire King of the Hill 4.00%
Live Fire Slayer 3.00%
Recharge Strongholds 7.00%
Recharge Oddball 4.00%
Recharge King of the Hill 4.00%
Recharge Slayer 3.00%
Solitude King of the Hill 6.00%
Solitude Slayer 3.00%
Streets Oddball 6.00%
Streets Slayer 3.00%

Map Breakdown

Maps Weight
Live Fire 18%
Recharge 18%
Inquisitor 13%
Fortress 13%
Aquarius 10%
Streets 9%
Solitude 9%
Empyrean 5%
Forbidden 5%

Gametype Breakdown

Gametypes Weight
Slayer 26%
CTF 3 Captures 18%
Strongholds 14%
CTF 5 Captures 14%
Oddball 14%
King of the Hill 14%

Next refresh: 4 hours from now